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COVID-19 Awareness

We cant wait to see you in person! With the return of the Women of Excellence Induction Ceremony on June 17, our team is dedicated to creating a safe and enjoyable experience amidst the ongoing pandemic. Please be aware of the following measures below that we will be following at the event to maintain adequate levels of safety.

COVID-19 Awareness - 2020-21 WOE Induction Ceremony

If You're Feeling Sick

If you have a temperature, are showing any potential symptoms of COVID-19, have tested positive for COVID-19, or have been in close contact with anyone that has tested positive for COVID-19 within 14 days of the event, we ask that you please stay home.

Mask Policy

To ensure the safety of all guests, vaccinated or unvaccinated, we are asking that each individual present be masked in accordance with the Sate of Michigan Guidelines regarding masking policies at large gatherings. 

Seating and Spacing

All seating will be spaced to encourage the safety of our guests. We invite you to abide to and practice safe social distancing when necessary. 

Food Safety and Serving

The food will be safely served by Detroit's own Touch of Class Caterers, Chef Lorenzo Sprattling and Chef Manzel Crawford.  Our ServSafe certified food handlers will serve all food to guests.  Some food items will be placed in individual small portion containers; guests will be able to grab and go.

Feel Free To Contact Us

We want to make sure you are comfortable and safe. If you have any more questions about any guidelines above, don't hesitate to contact us at (313) 963-5522.

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